39 years of Siebenrock – our success story
The classic BMW boxer is legend, the scene more alive than ever. Jochen Siebenrock is one of the dedicated enthusiasts, whose work contribute a great deal to this development. For more than 39 years now, our company founder has been recognized as a BMW specialist and passionate developer, who lives the fascination of two-valve boxers and gladly passes it on. Our technically improved new editions of sought-after accessories bear just as much of his handwriting as the many innovative in-house developments. Both have hit the nerve of BMW drivers since the beginning of the 90s and are constantly changing the market. Today Siebenrock is an established premium brand which is an integral part of the worldwide classic boxer community.

Valve cover
As the first self-developed Siebenrock-product the popular round valve cover for the 2V boxer sees the light of day, already following the maxim "original looks, technically improved". The improvement Siebenrock found to ease the assembly is later-on adapted in the production-run by BMW itself.
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Krauser pannier
When the popular Krauser pannier is no longer available, much to the displeasure of many BMW riders, Siebenrock starts his own production: completely new developed and much more ruggedized than the original, but at first glance looking absolutely the same, thanks to the use of the original cover. The fans are thrilled and the range of our own Siebenrock products grows continuously.
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Big Bore Kit
The Power Kit marks the first complete inhouse development in 1997. The now almost legendary 1000cc conversion kit for all R 80 models is followed by more optimization kits before the development culminates in 2004 with the mighty Siebenrock Big Bore Kit, THE original with 1070cc. The rest, as they say, is history.
Learn moreThe success story starts at the beginning of the eighties…
In a small garage in Stuttgart, Jochen Siebenrock and his friends spend their free time to work on their motorcycles. Money is short and there are no second hand BMW spare parts to be found, so the architecture student starts to trade used BMW parts himself. On December 21, 1984, he officially registers his BMW parts business as a trade and thus lays the foundation for today's world brand Siebenrock. After his graduation, Jochen Siebenrock starts working full-time as an architect, the successful BMW trade running alongside – and running so well that the small garage is soon bursting at the seams. A small factory building in the neighborhood offers more storage space and the opportunity to set up a first sales room. The demand is huge, the business is buzzing and grows soon too big for a sideline. After careful consideration, Jochen Siebenrock decides in 1991 to make his trade with BMW parts, motorcycles and accessories a full-time job. Success proves him right, the young company is growing steadily, and in 2001 it's time to expand again. Siebenrock moves with his now four employees to the present location in Wendlingen.

Siebenrock GmbH
Wertstraße 34
73240 Wendlingen am Neckar
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